Exceed Guilty Gear Fan Game
A fan implementation of Exceed Guilty Gear edition.
Still very much dev-art, but should be functional.
No affiliation with Exceed or Guilty Gear.
Anonymous match data is collected when playing online.
exceedgg.exe 115 MB
Version 120 2 days ago
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is there a discord for this game or something??? the urges to make bibically accurate hyde are coming to me and i don't think 1 non-lethal extra damage for every move as a gimmick is okay
Server you're looking for is the Breakfast Club - here: https://discord.gg/d97ftkPg
woa wait how do i custom
You need to make a character json, there's an example in the repo.
Someone is putting together a guide here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11Y5PsGso09mGWIV5R8q5yPtwpV51Erjtz_esTg-oOAA/...
Just to highlight it, this guide includes this link to a few example characters to try out! https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1BZfgkkn6Aj5Uh0RW-N_jWKe6iGBlSGQl?usp=sharing
my hopes and dreams of making kuon exceed real will come to fruition
once i stop procrastinating on this
Let's say, that in theory, I apply a damage increase. And then apply a range increase. Accusing, both are +1 increases, if I do Block, will or will not the statuses apply to it, so I can make Block actually HIT people? It sounds really funny to do gonna try it after sending lol
damn no guard cancel :(
yeah sadly not possible; "N/A" basically means "will never hit/do damage no matter what"
i NEED "after" boosts so i can make a guard cancel
Hi, amazing work. The Beheaded applies his exceed stats to normals (i think it shouldnt?)
His card says: "
Exceed [2]: Now: Gain a Trait of your choice.
Your attacks have +1 Power and +1 Speed."
It works with all attacks.
I just found out about this and thank you for developing this. Dang! I miss BattleCON, I hope someone will develop BCon browser-based game as well.
Thanks for the comment, but you won't trick me into developing a whole other game!
Lol. Of course, not. Most people who play Exceed are either done with BCon or never bothered to play. I'm just one of the few who still plays both.
when are season 1 and season 2 characters coming?
No plans to add them for now.
why is carmine banned lmao
he's OP and nobody wants to play against him
bug report:
on bang shishigami, hyper shadowstep strike cost is still 8 even if you have 4 diferent cards on your overdrive, and on playing it, it does automatically a wild swing.
It actually has to be 4 different special cards, not just any 4 different cards.
ª, ok that's my bad then
bug report :
on testament's "return to hand boost" : it interacts weirdly with her card that gets played as a boost and sustained as an after. Basically you get both the boost AND it gets back to the hand, while not showing that you got the boost
I'll figure out what the right behavior is, but this looks pretty wrong! Thanks for the report.
Was just curious, is there a reason there’s no S1/S2 characters?
Several reasons:
* They aren't very balanced.
* They have complicated mechanics and are especially annoying for new players to play against.
* The app package is getting pretty big and adding more resources will probably require a big re-architecture to load resources from CDN
Thank you for replying! I tend to play on Tabletop Sim occasionally, but have been looking for a good alternative to play with some friends who don’t have it (as well as just a better UI and such overall). As much as I enjoy some of the early Exceed characters, I completely respect the decision now that I know why.
That said, I imagine that last point will probably still be a problem if/when they add additional seasons. Perhaps if there’s a re-architecture then, you might consider adding the S1/2 characters at that time? Maybe with a toggle in matchmaking to allow/disallow them so people who want to avoid them can do so, although it’d be fair if that ended up as not worth the hassle. Just a suggestion, as I appreciate the work already done on this project (I’m not much of a coder or dev, but I can’t imagine this has been an easy thing to make) and understand even the first two points alone being reason enough to keep them out permanently.
Thank you again for replying, I appreciate the answer. Thank you also both for the work you do on this game (I can’t wait to try it out a bit more!) as well as your time. <3
The community was actually really amazing helping fill out the extra characters. I definitely could not have done it all on my own.
I would actually like to come up with a way to dynamically load characters at runtime, so we could even support customs. I have some ideas, but have been mostly taking a break from dev'ing on this at the moment.
Adding a "legal matchmaking/all matchmaking" is trivial when it comes time for that, of course.
Hey, guys. I'm not sure how exactly replay section works. Any help with that? Thanks.
Currently, you can only copy it from in the game (Button in the combat log) and then paste it in the box to replay it.
And depending on browser you can't even copy it out of the app.
I'd like to figure out how to hack up the html5 to let you copy it correctly, but haven't gotten to it.
Definitely some feature work to actually just see existing games and replay them.
UI improvement.
Rachel (s5) boosts that deal some damage (like lightning rode).
Boost damage do not displaying into block hint. That's slightly confusing.
Rachel can also not spend it though, so it doesn't quite make sense to include that in the damage.
Tempest Dahlia (George XIII) on after.
Bug in overdrive and Arakune (s5).
When card leave overdrive area app think that overdrive effect was triggered. But this is wrong for Arakune passive effect that spend overdrive during attacks.
His card says "The first time each Strike when you reveal an attack, discard the card from your Overdrive (performing your Overdrive effect)."
So this is correct.
Ouch, sorry then... i played it wrong all the time! =)))
Ken's Exceed action is wrong. It says you "may" close 1. But the game does it as if it was mandatory to close 1.
As I read it, the action is "You may: [close 1 and draw a card]. Then, you may: [strike]." Technically the first clause is optional, but at that point it's just the same as taking the prepare or strike actions. (I'm pretty sure you don't get to draw and strike without closing, but correct me if I'm wrong.)
"As an action, you may [do something]" is just how actions are templated. I don't think it's really saying "Action: You may [do something]", but rather "You may do this as an action: [do something]". It reads naturally, which makes the game more approachable.
You can see it used on the characters abilities of Umina, Ryu, Bang, etc., when there's really no reason for their effects to be optional. D'janette doesn't use it, but that's a compromise because it literally won't fit in her text box. S4 is inconsistent with it, but S4 is kind of notorious for bad templating. Newer characters obviously use "Action:", which is shorter and removes this ambiguity.
But I think it's fair to say that "close 1 and draw 1" is a mandatory effect. Even if it weren't, it's both or neither, because it's "you may [close 1 and draw 1]", so there's no reason to take that action if you're not going to do it (otherwise, Strike or Change Cards 0). At the very least, it's ambiguous, but it is clearly against the design ethos of Ken to have such a fiddly effect, and it's especially problematic in a digital implementation to have pointlessly optional effects, since every extra decision requires input and wastes time.
Not sure if this is a bug, but the BGM doesn't play during matches
Currently by design. The BGM is mostly there on the main menu so you know whether your browser has put the tab to sleep or not.
Loving this, much nicer than playing on TTS in my opinion. Are there any plans to add the solo fighters?
No plans for Season 2/promo characters
this is so good i'm having such a good time with it
This is so great! Thanks a lot!
Have fun, and make sure to post any bugs or feature requests.
Thanks a lot for the effort. Everything works soo smoothly.
Glad you're enjoying it!
Incredible job implementing this! makes it a lot less scary to get back into practice so you don't embarrass yourself in front of way better players!
Glad you're enjoying it!
Haven't played much yet, just wanted to express my appreciation for your work so far. I'm excited to see if this develops further, thanks for this!
What a lovely implementation so far. Haven't tried MP with my partner yet, but very functional so far against the AI! Works well on my android Pixel8 as well.
Nice! Glad it's working for you. Let me know if you encounter any bugs.